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Dimensions not showing when exporting to Excel

Posted on by AndreaNardiello 115

Good morning, why are Dimension columns not exported to Excel with Microsoft Excel Dynamics Add-in installed? Thank you! Andrea
Microsoft Dynamics NAV forum
P/O approval

Posted on by Community Member Microsoft Employee

Can someone tell me? After P/R has been approved, P/O approval is no longer in need. Does it work in GP 2015 R2? Urgent please :)
Microsoft Dynamics GP forum
How to process single Invoice with multiple shipment or receipts

Posted on by Community Member Microsoft Employee

Is there any way to process multiple receipts (or POs) with one single invoice?
Microsoft Dynamics SL forum
Expected Cost for Quoting Purposes

Posted on by Casper Leibowitz 470

Hi all, I am trying to find a way to estimate costs of finished goods for quoting purposes in NAV. It should take into account the scrap factor, which could vary when we try to project how well production will go (read : a varying production yiel...
Microsoft Dynamics NAV forum
PM Trx accidentally posted to GL with batch date

Posted on by jackson456687 150

Hi all, I have a situation where some batches of PM transactions were posted, and the posting setup was set to take the batch date rather than the transaction date.  The resulting GL transactions are still unposted as a GL batch.  I...
Microsoft Dynamics GP forum
Testing Custom Workflow Activities

Posted on by Pega 365

Hello, I created this custom workflow activity and it does what it's supposed to do but now it takes over a minute to save a record.  What is the best way to test the efficiency of the plugin in Visual Studio or Dynamics.  I would a...
Microsoft Dynamics CRM forum
Suggested answer
Employee Responsible Field in Customer Account

Posted on by Community Member Microsoft Employee

I'm trying to assign a member of our sales team to be the employee responsible in our customer account field. However, when I click on it there are no employees listed. How do I add these in so that I am able to assign them?
Microsoft Dynamics AX forum
Activity with many regarding objects

Posted on by Community Member Microsoft Employee

Normally, an activity entity like email or phonecall have 1 regarding object (e.g. an account). Is there an easy supported way to have many regarding objects? e.g. a phonecall with a reference to an opportunity and account Thanks
Microsoft Dynamics CRM forum
Cannot create a record in Skills (PSATmpResourceSkill). Skill : ProjectManagement

Posted on by Community Member Microsoft Employee

Hi, I am trying to create assign a worker to a project from the following location: All Projects -> Plan tab -> Work breakdown structure -> Line details -> Worker assignments tab. But, whenever I click on the Assign worker button, I ge...
Microsoft Dynamics AX forum
How to find the owning business unit's field id of an case during the onload event using in javascript

Posted on by Community Member Microsoft Employee

I have a need to determine the owningbusinessunitid of an case during the onload event of the case form. Does anybody know of a way to find this in javascript. The owningbusinessunit is a "No Display" field in the attributes list of...
Microsoft Dynamics CRM forum
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