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Small and medium business | Business Central, N...

Warehouse Pickings not respecting Item reservations

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Hi all
So I have been working with BC WMS for a while, but I'm facing a new issue. My location has Directed Put-away and Picking enabled, as well as FEFO. As far as I have enough stock, everything works fine. But, in case I don't have enough stock for all my Sales Orders, I want to manually reserve items for each of the SO. I use the Reservation Worksheet for this. So I reserve items for those SO, and create a Warehouse shipment that includes those SO. After this, I create a Picking, but it's not taking into account the amount of stock I reserved for each SO.
I don't really know how the warehouse "decides" how much stock to assign to each SO, and I would like to somehow enforce the system to pick only what is reserved.
Any guidance is much appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
Kind regards,

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